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Opinion: Brazil’s Favelas Offer Lessons in Building Trust in Dealing with Pandemics


Experts often cite mistrust of the government as a key reason certain communities ‌have suffered disproportionately during deadly outbreaks, including Ebola and Covid-19. Mistrust is a serious problem in a pandemic if it prevents people from obeying health recommendations, seeking medical care and accepting vaccines.

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Webinar Thursday, Nov. 17, The High Human Stakes of Ongoing Support for the Community Health Workforce

Johns Hopkins


New Webinar: The High Human Stakes of Ongoing Support for the Community Health Workforce

 Thursday, November 17, 2022      2:00-3:30pm ET

Community-based workforces and organizations who share in the worldviews, practical struggles, and cultural pride of the racial and ethnic communities they serve have been key to advancing health equity in the United States. They have also been indispensable in closing the gaps in health and human services for the populations whom the pandemic has hurt in uneven numbers and intensity. They have, for instance, worked diligently to overcome material and attitudinal barriers to COVID-19 vaccination coverage within local Black and Hispanic/Latino communities.


We invite you to hear from local community leaders and their CommuniHealth research partners about:

·    How this human-centered, community health infrastructure continues to exercise unmatched skills during the pandemic response,

·    What further advances in health and wellbeing can be had if these local champions receive sustained support going forward, and

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