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COP28 climate talks" Everyone must come to consensus, making agreement more difficult

Agreeing to agree: Everyone must come to consensus at COP28 climate talks, toughening the process | AP News

..Consensus is frequently used to weaken efforts to curb climate change and experts say that’s by design, dating back to oil interests and the first United Nations climate negotiations. Some veteran politicians would like to change it, while others embrace it as the only fair way to get things done.





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Personal beliefs may skew memories of COVID pandemic and deepen polarization--international studies

Personal motivations color people's memories of the COVID-19 pandemic, biasing their assessment of past political actions and complicating emergency-preparedness planning, suggests an analysis of four empirical studies.

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Senate Committee approves NIH nominee for confirmation by full Senate


After months of back and forth, the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee Wednesday advanced the nomination of Monica Bertagnolli to lead the National Institutes of Health by a vote of 15-6, with ranking member Bill Cassidy, R-La., voting for President Joe Biden’s nominee and Chairman Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., opposing it.


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