
Resilience System

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Report on a model community resilience program

CES - Neighborhood Resilience : Florida Atlantic University - Center for Environmental Studies

In the Summer of 2019, researchers at the FAU Center for Environmental Studies (CES) collaborated with Jan Booher of Heron Bridge Education, LLC on a resilience mapping initiative in Broward County, Florida. The goal of this collaboration was to bring to light the many complex factors and processes at play within communities, and within the Estates of Fort Lauderdale community specifically, that work to contribute to community resilience to environmental hazards including flooding, extreme wind and extreme heat.

Reputable census-based vulnerability and resilience assessments such as the Social Vulnerability Index (SoVi) and the Baseline Resilience Indicators for Communities (BRIC) offered an important conceptual foundation for this study. Utilizing the BRIC indicators and framework as a point of departure, this study serves to examine the roles that locally tailored BRIC indicators and dimension types play in shaping resilience within Broward County communities.

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UK military to support coronavirus testing as business groups warn of food supply issues

British military personnel will be supporting efforts to carry out coronavirus tests, beginning Wednesday, for hauliers currently stranded in Kent, near the Port of Dover, the UK Ministry of Defense said Wednesday.

"Starting today, 170 personnel will support COVID-19 testing for hauliers travelling to France from Kent," the MOD said in a tweet. "The support from our Armed Forces personnel will help to get hauliers moving again."

Police at the port told a CNN team there that some form of mobile coronavirus testing is also expected to arrive at the port in the next few hours, however they could not confirm where the testing would take place. 

The announcement comes hours after the UK and France agreed to allow truck drivers to travel across the English Channel from the Port of Dover -- the UK’s main gateway to France and the Continent for freight transportation -- providing they have proof of a negative coronavirus test result.

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Damage from whopper hurricanes rising for many reasons

 ...America and the world are getting more frequent and bigger multibillion dollar tropical catastrophes like Hurricane Laura, which is menacing the U.S. Gulf Coast, because of a combination of increased coastal development, natural climate cycles, reductions in air pollution and man-made climate change, experts say.

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Higher Seas to Flood Dozens of US Cities, Study Says; Is Yours One of Them?

CLICK HERE - STUDY - Union of Concerned Scientists - When Rising Seas Hit Home: Hard Choices Ahead for Hundreds of US Coastal Communities (2017) - by Jennifer Gray - July 12, 2017

For the past several years, scientists have been trying to get people to wake up to the dangers that lie ahead in rising seas due to climate change. A comprehensive list now names hundreds of US cities, large and small, that may not make it through the next 20, 50 or 80 years due to sea level rise . . .

 . . . If you live along the coast, your city could be one of them -- meaning you could be part of the last generation to call it home.

"This research hones in on exactly how sea level rise is hitting us first. The number of people experiencing chronic floods will grow much more quickly than sea level itself," Benjamin Strauss, Vice President for Sea Level and Climate Impacts at Climate Central said in reaction to this study.

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Evacuations Ordered; Oroville Dam Spillway Collapse Imminent

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