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With All Eyes on Covid-19, Drug-Resistant Infections Crept In

As Covid-19 took hold over the last year, hospitals and nursing homes used and reused scarce protective equipment — masks, gloves, gowns. This desperate frugality helped prevent the airborne transfer of the virus.

But it also appears to have helped spread a different set of germs — drug-resistant bacteria and fungi — that have used the chaos of the pandemic to grow opportunistically in health care settings around the globe.

These bacteria and fungi, like Covid-19, prey on older people, the infirm and those with compromised immune systems. They can cling tenaciously to clothing and medical equipment, which is why nursing homes and hospitals before the pandemic were increasingly focused on cleaning rooms and changing gowns to prevent their spread.

That emphasis all but slipped away amid an all-consuming focus on the coronavirus. In fact, experts warn, the changes in hygiene and other practices caused by the Covid-19 fight are likely to have contributed to the spread of these drug-resistant germs.

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REFERENCE MATERIAL: Building working relationships to improve public and population health

The Practical Playbook II: Building Multisector Partnerships That Work

A practical guide to consolidating resource and talent across sectors to improve public and population health. ...

See section on  Fundamentals:

  Public health and primary care are natural, foundational partners for addressing the challenges in today's health system. Together, along with other partners, we can improve population health.

See interactive map:  Multi-Sector Partnerships in the US from 2012-Present

Also see the above  link for access to other sections.



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