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PR Suggestions for urging employees to get vaccinations.
Thu, 2021-03-04 10:31 — mike kraft
As communicators plan for the year ahead, one thing is certain: The COVID-19 vaccine will play an important role. Returning to the workplace, safeguarding employees and protecting the broader community will hinge upon whether or not employees take the vaccine.
On the surface, this communication challenge may seem insurmountable. Fake news, toxic social media misinformation and eroding trust in institutions like government and media appear to be a recipe for a communication disaster.
However, corporate communicators have more influence to address the vaccination issue than they may realize. Employees depend on employers for healthcare, as well as health information, among other things.
In addition, Edelman's annual Trust Barometer finds business was 2020's most trusted institution globally. And there are expectations: 86 percent of respondents told Edelman that CEOs should speak out on societal issues; 68 percent said CEOs must step in when governments fail to fix societal problems. Moreover, 53 percent said corporations have a responsibility to provide information when media is absent.
Considering these data, it seems clear corporate communication is possibly the most trusted source of information for employees. With employees and the public expecting companies to act on COVID-19 issues, 2021 will be a year for corporate communicators to lead.
So, let's turn to coronavirus vaccination. It's important to make internal communication around the vaccine engaging, direct, people-focused and even fun.
Here are some ideas: ...
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